Raise Creative Investors

CLICK to Purchase “The Piggy Banker”    Money Journal for Kids and Teens

It’s never too early to start learning about financial matters. Children as young as 7 years old can pick up lasting money habits. The better educated on and comfortable with financial matters they are when they are younger, the better decisions they will make in the future.

With an in-house team with over thirty-five years of financial experience at top investment firms, Raise Creative Investors is designed to help young people become better educated on financial matters. It’s important to raise children who are knowledgeable and creative about how they think about money and to know what to do with it. You will find ideas for parents and teachers to use to help educate the youngest generation, as well as, posts written directly for teens and young adults to educate themselves. For the more savvy investor, we have an “Advanced Topics” section with lessons written by our senior market and investment strategist.

Our Instagram page @RaiseCreativeInvestors, features our mascot, The Piggy Banker, who shares valuable financial advice to be used with children and students, as well as facts on why financial literacy for the younger generation is more important than ever. Our YouTube Channel, The Piggy Banker, makes our “Investor Kidz” and “Fun Fact$” video series, easily accessible at home or at school to elementary and middle-school-aged children.

Raise Creative Investors can supply the engaging lessons that Schools, Home Schools, or Families can utilize to help teach kids, teens, and young adults what they need to know to become more financially literate.

You can now purchase our Money Journal for Kids and Teens, The Piggy Banker. It was created to help kids, from 7 to 17, write down and keep track of the money they earn, save and spend, while sharing financial tips to encourage life-long habits of saving, investing and thoughtful spending.



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